Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Letter to My Boy on His Third Birthday

Dear Toph,

Happy third birthday, precious boy!

Have I ever shared with you my favorite scripture?  It's Matthew 6:21 and it reads, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

You are my treasure, pal.  For these past three years, you have had my heart.  You're my treasure, my prize and I am so incredibly blessed to be your mommy.

This past year, the 12 months between 2 and 3, have been tremendous.  You have gone from this:

To this:
You have been amazing us all year long with your intelligence and your words, both funny and serious.  This year, we watched your blossom into the little boy that will one day grow into a big man.  We have learned that you are extremely funny (you make funny voices and making up funny songs), you are smart (Look Mommy, I'm watering the plant's stem!  There's an octagon!) and you are intense.  

You don't walk; you run.  You don't hop, you leap.   You don't tap the ball on the T, you knock the snot out of it. You don't doze off, you pass out.  You don't whine, you all out tantrum.  You don't tiptoe, you sprint.  You don't like, you love.  You look like your daddy, you act like your mommy.  You are fire.  You are three.  You are our most precious baby boy and time has gone by so quickly and so slowly.

These three years have been a wonderful ride, my baby.  I can't wait for all the years to come.  

Happy birthday, my treasure.



Mama Up! said...

Happy birthday, guy!

jessica said...

This is so so sweet. Happy (belated) Birthday to your boy!
