Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Unspoken Halloween Rules

(This is not yesterday's Halloween shot. Not even close.)

Alright y'all. Upon my third year of handing out treats to the little ghouls and goblins in my hood, as well as some full grown adults not wearing costumes (seriously?), I thought of some unspoken Halloween rules everyone should abide by.

1. If you are a full grown adult, it's not trick or treating. It's begging for free candy. Feel free to dress up for parties or for fun, but trick or treating is out past the age of 14.

2. If you are a parent pushing an infant in a stroller, it's obvious that your child has not yet entered a stage of life in which he or she can eat the candy being passed out. Therefore, trick or treating on their behalf is really just you, begging for candy. I urge you to see rule number one.

3. Halloween starts anytime between 6:00pm and 6:30pm. It ends between 8:30 and 8:45. If my light is off, I've retired for the evening.

4. Don't look inside someone's home and tell them that you like their stuff. Especially if you are grown and in a scary costume with dreadlocks. It freaks people out.

5. Parents: don't tell me you don't know the rule of checking your children's candy before they eat it. Seriously check it. And when your kids act like they want to reach into their bags while they're still walking around and check for Snickers, I urge you to slap their hand away and tell them to wait until you get home. In a mean voice. I saw so many kids munching on candy while they were walking around.

6. Be courteous: trick or treat, thank you, and happy Halloween are all necessary conversational devices.

What are your unspoken Halloween rules?

This is this year's Halloween picture.  More on our Cowardly Lion later. 
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Handy Man, Crafty Woman said...

Oh I agree! I pretty much have all the same rules, lol!

lvrana said...

I so agree with all of those plus:

Don't let your kids run in front of smaller kids almost knocking them down!

Parents watch your kids!

Kids..stay with your parents!

This should not be the night for a parents social event with beer! This is about the kids....remember??

Donna Urso said...

I think you have it covered. Words to live by...

Anonymous said...

I saw so many adults trick-or-treating with babies so little that they didn't have teeth. I have no idea what they were thinking. Instead of dragging your baby around the block, head to the grocery store and buy yourself some candy.
