Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Write Stuff

When I was in kindergarten, I had a wonderful teacher. Her name was Mrs. Crawford and I thought she hung the moon. I began kinder as a four year old (although I turned five soon thereafter) and I was a little hyper and immature in comparison to my peers. I was also a little slower than the rest to catch on to new concepts. This caused Mrs. Crawford to be concerned and she expressed her worry to my mom that I would never read. She wanted me to be placed in a resource (read: special ed) classroom in order to meet my needs better. My mama point blank told her, "I won't accept that." She began working with me every night to help me learn to read. I had an active imagination as a child and my mama knew that if she had ne write, be it illegible, it would help me read. I would write stories about everything and for everyone. My mama and my grandma Meme have saved those stories for 23 years now.
I often wonder what my mama would have done had she not known how to help me. Had Mrs. Crawford not given her resources and hints, had she not learned from her own mama's teaching, I may have turned out differently. Maybe I wouldn't be a teacher today, maybe I would have been placed in special ed, maybe I would not have gone to college, maybe I would not have learned to speak, read and write in two languages. Maybe I would not have started this blog to feed my need to expand my literacy. Where do parents turn in this day and age when they have exhausted their resources? When they feel they are not helping their children enough?

The thing is, most parents are able to fill gaps and tutor their own children in elementary school and mostly through middle school. When high school begins, many parents may not be equipped to help their child simply because the curriculum is very advanced and very different from when they were a child. Education is an ever evolving organism; I have no doubts that by the time Toph reaches high school, it will look like a completely different animal than when I was in high school. What do parents do when their high school age child is having difficulty writing academic papers?

They can visit The Writing Faculty. While there are many websites that have writing resources for high school children, The Writing Faculty provides one on one interactive writing support through online sessions. Children these days are technologically savvy; a high schooler will benefit from an online tutor because they are technologically capable to interact online.

The Writing Faculty doesn't just give kids an impersonal tutorial; it provides actual live support from its tutors. That being said, these tutors aren't just any tutor with a degree in writing. I did my research and was impressed to learn that the tutors affiliated with The Writing Faculty all have their master's degree or higher (two have PhDs folks, and they just don't hand those degrees out to anyone). If you have a high school age child in your life who could benefit from help in the field of academic or creative writing, then you should direct them to The Writing Faculty.

I probably wouldn't have benefitted greatly from The Writing Faculty in the area of writing; it's always been my strong suit (thanks mom!). However, I struggled while studying for the ACT. I had to take it twice because my first score wouldn't have gotten me into the local community college. I put my nose to the grindstone the second time around and increased my score significantly (which led to a degree from CU Boulder-Go Buffs!) However, I wonder how I would have done if The Writing Faculty had been available to me then, as they also provide support for studying for college admittance exams. I know this type of assistance would be greatly appreciated by most parents because we all want our children to succeed.

If you don't have a child high school age, file this little tid bit away in the back of your mind. One day, you just might need it.

Learn more about how The Writing Faculty works:

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so awesome! Good for your mama :) She raised such a wonderful person.
