Sunday, July 27, 2008

Why the blog?

I don't know who I think I'm kidding, but I decided to start a blog. I love to write, and I have a lot to write about. Now, what you might think of what I write is a different story. Here's the deal. The title of this blog is "Confessions of a Chubby Newlywed." I created this blog to document my quest to return to the weight I was when I was a senior in high school eight years ago. That was 27 pounds ago. You will never find out what weight I am now, nor what weight I want to be, only that I have 27 pounds to go.
I started the actual diet the beginning of June, when I tried on my wedding dress. Wouldn't you know that thing wouldn't zip up?? It scared the fool out of me, so I went on a diet I titled "Operation Starvation." I put myself on 1200 calories a day and ran 30 minutes every day. I lost 12 pounds in six weeks and looked great in my wedding dress.
However; it was a struggle! Every calorie I took it, I analyzed. If I didn't think it had a good nutritional value in my body; I didn't eat it. My adding skills GREATLY improved; as I had to document EVERYTHING that went in my mouth, add it up, and then subtract that number from 1200. Honestly, in that 6 week period, my outlook on nutrition changed. I look at each calorie as a precious unit of energy that will sustain me. I had to let go of useless calories and embrace the ones that would be beneficial to my body.
Now, I understand that this was a very extreme diet. Many nutritionists think that this is borderline starvation, but I had to be drastic. I had a wedding coming up, which was perfect and beautiful and I'm married to my best friend. I believe in my heart of hearts that MGK would love me at any weight, but I owe it to our marriage to be the healthiest weight possible.
Now that the wedding and honeymoon are over, I will continue the diet. It won't quite be "Operation Starvation." I'm going to slow the loss down a little. I'll be moving myself up to 15oo calories a day, and will continue my 30 minutes of cardio. My goal is to incorporate more types of exercising in my routine; I just love running so much! But I'll do more weight lifting and vary my exercise.
As far as goals go, I expect this to be a long process. If I did it quickly, that would mean the weight would come back just as quickly. I'm doing this so that I can teach myself a new way of looking at food so as to KEEP the weight off. I have some checkpoints though; and here they are:
by Sept. 27th, I hope to have lost another ten pounds. Why this date? Well, that day is important to me for two reasons: it's my husband's birthday and it's my brother and sister in-law's wedding. I want to look my best for their wedding, and for MGK's big 29.
Another checkpoint: by Christmas, I hope to have lost another 7 pounds. The holidays will be super hard; as everyone I know including myself loves to cook all sorts of fattening deliciousness. I'll be researching ways to curb holiday eating, that's for sure!
Finally, the last checkpoint: by Spring Break in March 2009, I will have lost another 10 pounds. That will be the 27 pounds I want to say bye bye to. By the end of this journey, I will have lost a total of 39 pounds. Later I'll go into more detail as to why it's so important to me to get back to that weight, especially as it started out as a panicky scramble to fit into my dress.
So, this is the start of my journey. I don't expect it to be easy, but I am lucky enough to have an awesome support system; my beautiful husband; who loves me just the way I am. :)

1 comment:

M'chelle said...

Love your new blog and can't wait to keep up on the details of you and Matt! The wedding was absolutely gorgeous and we thank you so much for having us. Much love ~ M'chelle (& Jeremy...although he doesn't know I am writing this)

PS Can you please teach me how to have your motivation to get healthy? I need it desperately.
